Two tents are drawn up on the Place de la Bastille, in Paris, HQ of the Mal-Logés.These are decorated with more or less faded yellow banners."A roof is a right" can be read there.This is the fight waged for several years by the Association Right for Housing (DAL).The tents, equipped with inflatable mattresses, sheets and blankets, have welcomed families 24 hours a day since March 5.Despite the absence of gas stove or toilet, they come to spend the night there to highlight their situation.They thus try to invest in public space, failing television sets and political debates.
Two hundred and twenty families are affected here, nicknamed "the forgotten.Es du Dalo ", named after the 2007 law establishing a" right to enforceable housing "under the control of the State.A law supposed to ensure "a right to decent and independent housing for people who cannot access such accommodation on their own means".Are considered to be eligible and priority, those threatened with expulsion without rehousing solution and people without unwavering or poorly placed.Once the file has been completed - of about fifteen supporting documents - and accepted, the prefect must offer accommodation within six months.So much for theory.
« La question du logement a gâché ma vie»»
The mobilization has experienced a rebound in recent days.This Thursday, April 14, the Minister of Housing, Emmanuelle Wargon, received Jean-Baptiste Eyraud, spokesperson for DAL.An appointment obtained the day after a muscular police intervention, during which families were gassed and Jean-Baptiste Eyraud was arrested.The DAL demonstrated - once again - in front of the ministry, to claim the rehousing or accommodation of hundreds of households.For many of them, the maximum period of six months has turned into long years of waiting.
This is the case of Marie-Françoise, who, at 35, declares with emotion that "the question of the accommodation has spoiled [s] for life".Mounted in Paris as part of her studies, she submitted her first Dalo request nine years ago, after several months of intensive visits, refusal of files and nights spent on the sofa of her sister.She now lives in a home of young workers whose walls threaten to collapse.The young woman was finally offered a new accommodation a month ago."I said to myself: great ... but it was before visiting the premises."Despite all her expectations, she had no choice but to refuse.It is still necessary to make an entire file to justify this decision, at the risk of descending at the bottom of the list of priorities.In her letter, she reports that she made: degraded accommodation, infested with harmful, mold (see.the photos below) and humidity not compatible with its health problems."I'm not going to hide my shock to you about the nature of the proposed accommodation and the lack of humanity felt towards me," she wrote to the Paris Habitat rental policies department.
Marie-Françoise also points out that the housing conditions lastingly impact the professional life of the people concerned.And not only.Philippe, volunteer at the association, also notes situations of school failure.He remembers the testimony of a family of six people, housed in too small accommodation."In this apartment, children are forced to make their school homework on the toilet, for more tranquility," he sighs.These accommodation conditions also create a feeling of exclusion and isolation, "parents and children do not dare to explain that they live in hotel rooms, they never invite anyone".
In other cases, the loneliness of a home is an unsatisfied dream.Samiah is 40 years old and lives in an emergency accommodation hotel, "in half a mini-chamber, shared with a stranger".She would prefer to have a rent to pay, rather than being accommodated "on the taxpayer's back"."One night there represents 70 euros per person, it is far too expensive for the life of misery that is offered to us ... I have income, let me rent!She quips.His "emergency" accommodation started over a year ago now.The hotel closes in a month, it has no idea where it will go.
Faïza is also concerned.And she too injured during the police intervention on Monday April 12.It is the sagged hand that she says she has submitted a first Dalo file in 2016, without response.Its current owner recently left him the choice: pay between 200 and 500 euros additional per month, or empty the apartment.Awaiting a rehousing solution, she, her husband and their two children fear to meet soon on the street.She admits that she does not understand "the housing attribution"."However, we don't ask for a free shelter!"We have income, we can pay rent.»»
After contacting police, bailiff and social workers, she ended up finding an attentive ear on the side of the dal."Jean-Baptiste is the only one to really listen to us and help us.»» Pour manifester sa considération et « continuer la lutte»», cette femme de 40 ans vient sur le campement tous les jours, dès qu’elle a fini de travailler.She exercises as a service agent, between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m..
« Tout est dans la loi, il faut juste l’appliquer»»
She is not the only one to estimate Jean-Baptiste Eyraud.The relentlessness of the spokesperson-and his violent arrest-allowed him to get an appointment with the Minister of Housing, Emmanuelle Wargon. Celui qui désigne le quinquennat d’Emmanuel Macron comme « pitoyable»» sur la question du logement espère que la ministre tiendra ses engagements « fermes»».Next step: transmit a list to the region's prefecture in next week, identifying priority households.Between 150 and 200, he assesses.
This news was not enough to reassure Sahlia, 58, who exercises as a building guardian. « Les cas comme moi seront relégués sur une autre liste»», soupire celle qui vit dans une loge de 13 mètres carrés, toilettes et douches deux halls plus loin. Puisque son logement n’est pas « insalubre»» et qu’elle n’est pas à la rue, elle n’est pas considérée comme « prioritaire»».Sahlia continues to fight, continues administrative procedures, but is said to be more and more desperate and exhausted.
According to the statistics of the DALO law monitoring committee, updated in November 2021, "there are 77.684 naufragés du Dalo, en attente d’un logement depuis un à douze ans»». Marie-Arlette Carlotti, présidente du comité, souligne dans son rapport que « l’absence de réponse de relogements à la hauteur est un échec de l’effectivité de la loi»».This is the complaint filed by the DAL on the Minister's table this Thursday morning: "Everything is written, it only remains to apply the law instead of rape it.»» Le rendez-vous obtenu ne rend pas pour autant Jean-Baptiste Eyraud plus optimiste. « Déjà, ce n’est pas un hasard si l’on nous reçoit maintenant, à quelques jours du second tour»», considère-t-il.He is looking forward to the continuation of the negotiations, supposed to stand next week. « Mais même si des promesses sont faites, comment savoir si la ministre sera toujours la même après l’élection ?»»
The " du Dalo»» ne comptent pas s’arrêter là.They will go, Monday, April 18, tap on pans "in front of the HQ of Mrs. Le Pen, then of M. Macron»» et déménageront dans la foulée vers la place Georges-Clemenceau. Là-bas, ils continueront à interpeller joggeurs et touristes, pour révéler la réalité à « ceux qui viennent visiter la ville des Lumières, capitale des droits de l’homme»».