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Feng Shui: Why should you imperatively put your sofa against the wall?

There are details of location of the decoration in your house which seem unimportant, but when you discover their usefulness, they take on all their meaning.Feng shui, this Chinese art of living, dictates certain principles to better develop its living space for a more soothing environment.By some development modifications, Feng Shui promises a more harmonious, and warmer living space.Let's discover how and why.


Did you know why the sofa should always be placed against a wall?The bed also against the wall?What are the other Feng-Shui rules for a harmonious interior?

Did you know why the sofa should always be placed against a wall?

The philosophy of Feng Shui offers simple development rules for each room in the house, to promote better energy circulation in each room.The living room is one of the most "frequented" places in the house to relax and meet with your family.It is important to have a good comfortable sofa, but it is all the more important to place it against a wall according to the feng shui philosophy, in symbol in support that family members can bring each other.Another fundamental point in the living room is lighting.It is indeed recommended to find a balance between dark areas and clear areas, by betting on natural light for a naturally more welcoming house.

Living Room Sofa - Source: SPM

The bed also against the wall?

It is also recommended to place the bed in the bedroom against a wall.The bedroom represents rest and must offer a feeling of relaxation at the end of the day.For this reason, the bed should never be placed in front of the front door, nor under a window, because the flow of energy that crosses the space would not promote quality sleep.Like the living room furniture, the bed must be placed against a wall.Finally, soft and pastel enveloping colors, the absence of electric wires (screens, computers, television, etc.)

Bedroom - Source: SPM

What are the other Feng-Shui rules for a harmonious interior?

We start by first "rounding" the angles of the room because in Feng-Shui, the latter play a disturbing role in the good circulation of energy.Thus, we will place at each angle, either a plant, or a small piece of furniture.Furniture preferably rounded and light color which should also be reduced to the bare minimum and which will have to be placed at a certain distance from the bed.

Feng Shui : Pourquoi faut-il impérativement mettre votre canapé contre le mur ?

The disorder is the number 1 enemy of the famous "Chi" that helps us feel good!It is therefore imperative that everything is stored and if possible in a closed cabinet.The idea is also to promote a clean decoration with few objects but carefully chosen.

In a feng-shui bedroom, the bed should never be between the door and the window, but preferably the head against a wall.We also avoid hanging cupboards and shelves open above it.And in order not to have a disturbed sleep, the electrical devices, the fountains and aquariums are removed as much as possible as well as the mirrors.

Natural materials preserve a certain harmony with the external environment, they thus find their place in a feng-shui room.Stone and wood will be privileged to decorate floor and walls.Household linen will be in materials like cotton, linen but still wool.And if the patterns must be both soft and vibrating, the colors will, for their part, warm and harmonious but not energizing.

Lighting also plays a very important role.In the Feng-Shui, we opt for a soft and sifted light.To play on intensity, it is better to equip yourself with variators or a lampshade.Candles can also shed interesting lighting thanks in particular to their delicate glow.
Ainsi, la chambre Feng-Shui doit évoquer douceur et harmonie, un nid douillet où il fait bon cocooner !

Un métier à part entière : Le Feng-Shui a fait naître, dans notre société occidentale, le métier de consultant Feng-Shui.This professional studies the energy improvement of the habitat to make it a harmonious place, a source of well -being.If this profession is generally exercised by sensitive and intuitive people trained in this knowledge, some interior architects have made them their specialty!

Also read which plants have at home according to Feng Shui?

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