9 out of 10 French people ensure that they were affected by back pain.Yes, but then, why are such suffering?And, above all, how to relieve what we called the evil of the century?Beyond physical activity, a good seat and a good mattress are also essential ... This is what Daner offers.
We are supposed to do a minimum of exercise every day, around 7.5 kilometers from raising to bedtime to stay healthy. On parle souvent de la règle des 10 000 pas… Mais soyons honnêtes, peu d’entre nous peuvent affirmer s’astreindre à cette hygiène de vie… et plus nous vieillissons, et moins, nous avons le courage ou même la possibilité de bouger selon la bonne méthode ! Conséquence de cette sédentarité : de longues heures passées en position assise, en voiture, dans les moyens de transport, au bureau, chez soi… Et le pire dans tout cela, ce sont les postures que nous adoptons qui, la plupart du temps, sont mauvaises, et génèrent des douleurs… C’est encore plus vrai pour les séniors qui eux restent
dans ces positions tous les jours.
In terms of back pain, the aging of the body unfortunately does not help.Several reasons for this: osteoarthritis or still the compassion of the vertebrae.In reality, all problems are growing with age.So, to prevent evils, lessen them, it is useful to equip yourself well and to realize that it is essential to be well installed by choosing a good armchair, a good sofa and a good bed.How ?Taking into account the notion of ergonomics.The term is fashionable, and most manufacturers take advantage of a very large definition of the word to offer products that are actually not at all suitable for the body's need!
An ergonomic seat is a seat with a design designed for being but with, also, a foam adapted to the size and weight of the person who will use it
Créée il y a 20 ans, maintenant, la société Daner propose ainsi des solutions véritablement ergonomiques, c’est-à-dire
un matériel qui s’adapte au corps de son utilisateur avec comme priorité, son bien-être, et le soulagement des douleurs au quotidien.An ergonomic seat is a seat with a design designed for being but with, also, a foam suitable for the size and weight of the person who will use it!The objective is to create a minimum tension at the level of the column, depending on the positions to obtain a position at a lower constraint, and make all the muscles are at rest, without leg pain, nor on the back.Daner's ergonomic armchair will also offer a raising position to avoid a raising by forcing on the arms, or even completely falling to sit!
In addition, Daner also offers additional options to help the user as much as possible and facilitate the use of their chair: a simple remote control (and for left -handed or right -handed), a lock of lumbar dislodging ... and even a fabric designed to promote thebody heat circulation.The company also offers ergonomic bedding…
To find out more about Daner solutions, find our episode of health expertise dedicated to back pain.Aïda Tuhiri and Vanessa Bernard receive Géraldine Couray, Director General Daner and Vincent Théobalt, physiotherapist in Antibes (06).