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Alum stone: 5 uses for cleaning

A natural household.To have a healthy house, it is not enough to clean it from top to bottom, but to do it with the right products.Wash the floor, the toilets, the shower...Each room in the house of its spray to describe, degrease, make shine.However, it is possible to clean up with a single product, which will adapt to the different corners of your home.

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If the products chosen are essential for an effective cleaning, you must also know how to organize so as not to waste too much time.Do you know how to succeed in making your chores of the week in just 30 minutes?

If you want to launch a washing machine at the same time, remember to do it before starting your household, then extend the laundry once you have cleaned the floors.

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Make the cleaning, okay, but with what?The French are more and more numerous to make their own maintenance products, in particular thanks to recipes which are easily on the internet: with black soap, baking soda, white vinegar...The tips are varied.Have you ever heard of alum stone?Very useful against perspiration, she is also an ally of choice for the maintenance of the house.Discover, in the slideshow above, its five unsuspected uses...

To repel spiders


Alum stone is an excellent natural repellent for many insects and in particular spiders.Mix a little water powder with water, which you then pour into a spray.Spray a few drops near your windows and your front door, you will prevent spiders from entering.

To soften linen


Forget the softener and opt for alum stone!You just have to pour a spoon of powdered stone into the compartment dedicated to the softener, for a more flexible cloth.

To waterproof fabrics


Used as a deodorant, alum stone is also perfect for waterproofing fabrics.For your sofa, mix 250 grams of alum stone powder with 10 liters of water, then apply the solution with a sponge.You can also do it with a spray.

To clean the floor


For clean floors, also think of alum stone.Grate a little, then mix with hot water.

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