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Your curtains can prevent you from saving energy, and here is why!

The position of the curtains can prevent the heat from heating from spreading well in the room and therefore increase our energy bill.


Did you know ?Your Riseaux can prevent you from making precious energy savings and your final bill can suffer.So do not reproduce this fatal error.

Vos rideaux peuvent vous empêcher de faire des économies d’énergie, et voici pourquoi !

Heating and energy savings: the error to avoid with curtains

Some counterproductive reflexes can increase our energy bill and prevent our accommodation from being well heated.The error not to be made?Misplaced.You should know that the radiators must be cleared so that the heat diffuses in a uniform manner throughout the accommodation.It is therefore necessary to make sure that the curtains do not obstruct.Thus, it is better to favor short curtains.Also remember to keep them open so that the sun can enter the room and naturally heat the space.

Where to place your heating in the house?

To properly heat your accommodation and save energy, choose the right location for heating and the radiator is essential.It is advisable to install the heating devices against the walls overlooking the outside and close to the windows.Avoid placing your radiators behind a piece of furniture because the heat could not spread properly throughout the room.

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Mariah Gilbert

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