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The liberals will not have their "easy victory", say the conservatives

J’entends qu’il est déjà brisé, a lancé le chef conservateur à la blague, en montrant du doigt l’avion de son rival.

Of course, the Liberal apparatus is quite capable of flying - not like in 2019, where one of its wings had been flayed by a bus, on the first day of tour.But the image suggested by Erin O’Toole illustrates the assessment of the conservatives of the first week of campaign.

Les libéraux ont fait preuve d’un surplus de confiance en nous plongeant en élections. Ils pensaient que ça allait être une victoire facile, mais ils ont oublié que leurs adversaires pouvaient aussi faire campagne, a souligné un haut placé du parti, sous le couvert de l’anonymat, qui se ditoptimiste, mais prudent, après sept jours d’hostilités politiques.

Behind the scenes, the Conservatives believe they have scored points by publishing their platform on day 2 of the campaign - the earliest in the recent history of the party.They wish to project the image of a political party which has an economic recovery plan, unlike the liberals who have not yet published their detailed platform.

Sur le terrain, d’ailleurs, beaucoup de candidats disent aimer pouvoir faire du porte-à-porte avec un document de 160 pages entre les mains.Ça nous permet de répondre à tout le monde, parce que chaque citoyen a sa préoccupation personnelle, explique le candidat conservateur dans Richmond-Arthabaska, Alain Rayes.


The issue of abortion returned to haunt the conservative chief.

Les libéraux n’auront pas leur « victoire facile », disent les conservateurs

Photo: Canadian press / Ryan Remiorz

Obviously, the first week was not flawless.On the day of the elections, for example, Chef Erin O’Toole dodged several questions about the compulsory vaccination of officials and candidates of his party.

On aurait dû dès le départ être plus clairs sur notre politique en matière de vaccin, reconnaît ce même haut placé dans la campagne conservatrice.

The issue of abortion also returned to haunt the conservative chief.During his race for leadership, Erin O'Toole opposed what doctors are forced to direct their patients to other health professionals when they did not want to provide care like abortion, whileHe said the opposite on Friday in the campaign.Even the Rightnow anti-faire group accuses him of having turned on the issue.

Do not get too fast

An polls analyst recognizes that Erin O'Toole's training had a good first week.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Jonathan Dupaul

Despite these few difficulties, the Surveration Analyst Éric Grenier recognizes that the conservatives-like the neo-democrats-had a good first week.He still makes warnings.

First, their supports, which went up to 31-32 % in certain polls this week, remain below the popular vote they obtained in the last election, or 34 %.

"Mr. O’Toole still has work to do just to come back where Andrew Scheer was two years ago.»»

— Une citation deÉric Grenier, analyste de sondages

In addition, adds Mr. Grenier, it is mainly in the meadows that the conservatives seem to have regained ground.However, to win, Erin O’toole's troops must earn new support in Quebec and Ontario.

Si j’étais M. O’Toole, j’attendrais avant de mesurer les rideaux dans le bureau du premier ministre, conclut-il en souriant.

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