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Near Compiègne: he creates a Christmas setting entirely in Playmobil

Near Compiègne, Éric has created a decor in the Christmas theme with playmobils.This is the second time that he has opened his exhibition to the public during Christmas holidays.

Par Romain BénardPublié le mis à jour le 7 Déc 21 à 18:07Actu OiseVoir mon actu

While there are fewer and fewer decorated houses, some try to perpetuate Christmas magic.It is in an original way that Eric Legros has chosen to dazzle the eyes of the big and the little ones.For 20 years, this Playmobil enthusiast has been collecting many characters, buildings and objects that he stages.

In his house by Jaux, near Compiègne, Eric took about two weeks to stage the little characters, create stories, install the curtains and the lights.He also chose to "replace the reindeer with motorcycle motorcycles to deliver the gifts" to add a little fantasy.Eric is ready to welcome parents and children from December 17 to 23, from 6 to 8 p.m..

This is only the second time that Eric has exhibited his collection to the general public: "For the first Christmas exhibition of last year, many people came, so I start again this year".Bringing together 10 to 15 people per evening in 2020, he hopes to attract even more visitors in 2021.

A collection that is growing

This passion does not date from yesterday, "One day, I found a little father-noël Playmobil, I put it in front of my tree, I told myself that it was nice and I then bought itmore and more, ”says the collector.Eric is not just buying, he sometimes exchanges his characters with other enthusiasts, he also goes around flea markets and websites to find rare pearls and sometimes unusual objects.

Près de Compiègne : il crée un décor de Noël entièrement en Playmobil

"I repeat a lot of characters, I even recently recovered fire spears to make them snow cannons, explains Éric, I repainted a Christmas train in Christmas which is motorized," shows the collector, activating theTrain march that crosses the exhibition on rails, transporting Playmobil characters to a ski track.

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Ideas planned for the next Christmas

All children "who came last year" are looking forward to returning this year.In 2022, a motorized cable car will work above the ski track installed to give even more life to the display.Eric also planned to exhibit one of his worlds parallel to the Compiègne meetings center next year.

The Christmas decor is in the rue de la République, in Jaux, near Compiègne.From December 17 to 23, a sign will be displayed in the street to invite visitors to enter this magical world which will be open from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m..


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