We must not compare the incomparable.
And I hate too much the way we have, at the Kremlin, to speak of Nazification of Ukraine and to instrumentalize the Shoah to risk me in this gear.
But there are lessons in history.
And one of them is that no democrat would have, in 1942, or 1943, or 1944, thought of looking for a "exit gate" for Mussolini or Hitler, to "save their face", to negotiatewith their assassin regimes of "acceptable compromises".
In the circumstances, even if Putin is not Hitler, nothing justifies his murderous invasion of Ukraine.
None of the pretexts put forward as a prelude to this insane offensive has the slightest basis for the gaze, neither morality, nor of international law, nor the interests of the Russian people.
And I observe, moreover, as its army is running out of steam;I see as, gangrenous by corruption, the demoralization of its soldiers, even the defection of some of its officers, it gives signs of stampede;I note that the Ukrainians, conversely, give all the evidence of resistance, a counterattack and even a victory which, as long as in Paris, Warsaw, Washington, we intensify the aidmilitary, is now at hand;And I conclude that free women and men in the world have no reason to make Russia the slightest concession and should only have one principle and an idea: his retirement;the return of his troops to the borders before the fatal February 24;And, therefore, the victory of the Ukrainians.
These, of course, can decide otherwise;President Zelensky may, for reasons that would be his, judge that, to stop the carnage and save what remains of his cities, you have to look for an arrangement;And there can be no question of being more royalist than the king.
The sky of principles not being that of real politics and being less than ever in front of an irresponsible who plays with the fire of the nuclear threat, the hour will come, anyway, sooner or later, where it will be necessaryTalking well and sitting around a table;And we will be indebted, that day, to the leaders of composure who will have, in Europe and, in particular, in France, held ajar, all this time, the canals of the diplomatic interlocution.
But we're not there.
And I do not see how, for the moment, not hold this simple position: you believe that the Ukrainian cause is right?Do you think that by defending its territorial integrity Ukraine defends the values and borders of Europe?Did you understand that Putin, breaking the taboo in the use of supreme weapons, represents an existential threat, not only for Odessa and kyiv, but for the world?Well you should only have a wish: not allow the aggressor to save his face;Certainly not to offer him a reprieve which he will use to rearm, restore his authority and prepare his next military adventure;But help the Ukrainians to prevail - and, in doing so, weaken, lessen, or even strike illegitimacy, the dictator who massacres them.
This is what Joe Biden has just done in Warsaw, appointing Putin a butcher.
And I admit that I do not understand the lifting of shields which, the old reflexes of anti -Americanism helping, welcomed its declaration.
Le 46e président des États-Unis a appelé un chat un chat.
He said that the Russian King was naked, that the hour of disgrace had sounded and that the refugee Ukrainian children he had in his arms should not be afraid.And these words were struck at the corner of common sense as well as this virtue that the ancient Greeks called Parusia and which is said, in French, courage of the truth.
Were they just words?
But the words, when they are pronounced by the political or moral representative of very great power, weigh always more than words.
This was the case of Roosevelt denouncing, in 1940, the "stab" of Mussolini to France.
De Churchill announcing, in 1946, that an iron curtain has just fallen on Europe and that he holds him for a scandal is the nerve of peace.
From Truman when, on March 12, 1947, he presented his doctrine of containment before the Congress.
From Kennedy, with his "I am a Berliner".
Well, Joe Biden's words no doubt be confirmed.
And it will be necessary to verify his determination to defend, as he claims, every square centimeter of the territory sanctuarized by the Atlantic Alliance.
But, for a friend of justice and law, they are part of the thread of these previous illustrious.
They sound, for someone who comes from Ukraine and, I imagine, for a Ukrainian, as a happy reminder of the principles without which there will be no just peace.
And, by fixing the rule of the game, they incidentally recall that history is never written or finished;that we may have buried the luminous city too quickly at the top of the hill;And that after so many declines, false red lines and small arrangements against "five kings" drunk with revenge and hatred, America is back.
This is the only good news of this bloody week.
Thèmes Amérique Etats unis Joe Biden Poutine Ukraine