When the sky is blue and temperatures exceed 25 °C, humidity is really not a problem. When the weather comes, you live open windows and allow the sun to enter your home, allowing your home to be well ventilated and air to renew itself. In the fall, when the sun has given way to the clouds and the precipitation returns, it is more difficult to let the cold air into your home, even for about ten minutes.? However, it is essential to avoid moisture problems.
A lire aussi :Humidité dans le placard : 5 astuces pour la réduireWet house: how to winter?
A poorly ventilated house can't be healthy, especially if it's wet. Sooner or later, mould stains will appear on your walls overlooking the outside and near your windows, where warm air comes into contact with the cold outside surface. If these traces are located, it is because the problem is localized, and it is therefore possible to act immediately, without carrying out any major work. As Planet explained to you recently, there are natural ways to combat ambient humidity in your home.
In the middle of winter, one may be tempted to increase its heating to prevent moisture from settling. If you do not want to be in a sauna, you are strongly advised not to exceed 19 °C in a room and 21 °C in the living room.
Choose the most suitable heating system
1/5Install thermostatic heads
2/5Do not create temperature variation
3/5When it's cold in the morning, but hot in the afternoon, your radiators Don't know how to give a head. As a result, you have large temperature variations at home, which is not good news for your humidity problems. Avoid large differences between two times of the day as much as possible.
Close the curtains before dark
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