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How to wear the curtain fringe?

What is the Rideau fringe?

The Rideau fringe is one of the capillary must-have of the season.The most popular cut on Pinterest with a peak of interest of 600%, it does not date from yesterday.

Cette coiffure a été popularisée dans les années 70.
Mais si, souvenez-vous de Brigitte Bardot et sa frange rideau blonde comme les blés séparée en deux courbes sur son visage.

Depuis, de nombreuses stars et influenceuses ont elles aussi adopté la "curtain bang".
On pense notamment à la it-girl Alexa Chung qui en a fait sa marque de fabrique, mais aussi à Caroline Receveur, Dakota Johnson ou encore Georgia May Jagger !

Before you get started, we give you all the advice to wear the curtain bangs in style.

The Rideau fringe, for whom?

The ideal to adopt the curtain fringe is to have smooth or wavy hair.The effect will not be the same if you have a bangs that borders too much.

Comment porter la frange rideau ?

The curtain bangs are perfectly suited to thick and bulky hair because this type of hair gives an effect provided to the cut.

If you have fine hair, it is quite possible to adopt the curtain bang provided you have a good volume.To do this, you can use styling mosses or creper a few strands of your hair to give volume to your fine hair.

The Rideau Rideau sewn perfectly with oval faces with fine features.But it is also ideal for softening a round or square face and to hide a slightly too present forehead.

How to wear Curtain Bang?

Pour adopter la tendance rideau, on porte sa frange lisse et épaisse.
Envie d'un look rétro pour un revival des années 70 ? Vous pouvez miser sur une frange plus bombée en créant du volume à l'aide d'un sèche-cheveux et d'une brosse.

Vidéo du jour :

The curtain fringe will have more effect on long or mid-long hair or on a long square.

Curtain Bang is a cut that easily associates with all hairstyles!Wavy hair, steep lengths, bun, ponytail or braid ... Combine your bangs with a sophisticated attachment as with a more rocky-haeled effect.

How to style and maintain the curtain fringe?

The main advantage of the curtain fringe?Its maintenance, much less restrictive than a right fringe!

La repousse de la frange ne sera plus un calvaire.
En effet, la forme dégradée de la frange rideau permet d'espacer les rendez-vous chez le coiffeur.

No more meticulous camouflage of fringe with a ton of barrettes ...

>> A quand le prochain rendez-vous chez le coiffeur ?