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Soon the end of the forty at the hotel for the fully vaccinated Canadians

The measure should come into force in the first week of July, but no date has been specified.Details should be disclosed in the coming days.

This softening should also target Canadians who have only had a dose of COVVI-19 vaccine, while having proof of infection.This dose, which provides adequate vaccination, will have to be received at least 14 days before the trip, in order to benefit from the alleviation promised by Ottawa.

Seules les personnes qui ont été immunisées par un des quatre vaccins homologués par Santé Canada pourront par ailleurs échapper au séjour obligatoire de trois nuits dans un hôtel reconnu par la santé publique, instauré en février, pour se placer en quarantaine, à savoir Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca et Johnson & Johnson.

Si les touristes étrangers ne sont pas concernés – la frontière canadienne reste toujours fermée –,toute personne présentement autorisée à entrer au pays pourra soumettre une preuve de vaccination pour éviter la quarantaine à l'hôtel, a précisé à Radio-Canada le cabinet de la ministre de la Santé, Patty Hajdu.

In addition to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, this list also mentions (new window), at present and under certain conditions, foreign students, temporary foreign workers or even members of the immediate family of a citizenor a permanent resident, such as a foreign spouse, a child or a parent.

The quarantine period will be reduced in early July for air travelers authorized to come to Canada, from July.

Photo: Canadian press

Forties strongly reduced, but not for all

The Trudeau government also decided, as recommended by a federal committee at the end of May, to shorten the quarantine period for the fully vaccinated people, authorized to enter Canada.

These travelers will have to submit to a screening test before boarding.They will have to make another by arriving in the country and isolating themselves at home, until a negative result is obtaining.

On the other hand, such alleviating will not apply to people who have had one or any dose of vaccine.These will always have to submit to the compulsory hotel-3 days-and around 14 days.

If he does not refrain from reviewing these measures in the coming weeks, with for example shortened isolation for people with a single dose, the Trudeau government wishes above all to convince Canadians to have two doses of vaccine vaccine.

The current decree, making the stay at the hotel compulsory on return to the country, expires on June 21.It should be renewed with the mention of the announced adjustments.

What about children?

Many details remain to be adjusted, it was said at Radio-Canada, in particular concerning minors and parties under 12, who are not vaccinated.The latter, if they travel with fully vaccinated parents, will avoid the compulsory hotel, but should be an isolation of 14 days.

Proof of upcoming vaccination

The federal government also says it is working on the development of evidence of vaccination, but it should not be ready in early July.A transition measure is provided for this purpose.

Bientôt la fin de la quarantaine à l'hôtel pour les Canadiens pleinement vaccinés

Nous sommes en train, littéralement dans les prochains jours, de déterminer avec l'Agence des services frontaliers, avec le ministre de l'Immigration et de la Citoyenneté, qui est responsable des passeports, ce genre de détail technique, a déclaré mercredi le ministre des Affaires intergouvernementales Dominic LeBlanc.

"We will have border services with border services all measures to ensure transitional measures until proof of national vaccination is ready.»»

— Une citation deDominic LeBlanc, ministre des Affaires intergouvernementales

Laurence Martin's report

Photo: Canadian press / Justin Tang

While several countries, in the European Union in particular, have reopened their borders to foreign visitors, Minister Leblanc recalled that the federal government is developing a vaccination passport for all Canadians who will once again travel.

Nous allons continuer de suivre la situation et ces changements ne seront faits que si le nombre de cas continue à baisser et que la campagne de vaccination continue de bien aller, a-t-il prévenu.

Tout changement additionnel dans le cadre de la prochaine phase sera fait sur la base de données au pays et de la situation à travers le monde et en consultation, encore une fois, avec les provinces et les territoires, a-t-il ajouté.

A stage plan

If these announcements have hungry the Canadian tourism industry and the business community, Ottawa also floor on a gradual reopening strategy of the Canadian border, especially that with the United States, closed until June 21.

In the United States, pressures increase for example on Biden administration for the lifting of these barriers.

The Minister of Health Patty Hajdu says he understand that companies need guarantees to be able to invest and plan in the long term.However, she does not want to agree to provide them with a calendar.

It is preferable at the moment to take our time and act with care [...] d'être prévoyant dans notre approche afin d'avoir un succès durable, a déclaré la ministre.

Patty Hajdu, Federal Minister of Health, at a press conference.

Photo: Canadian press / David Kawai

For the Trudeau government, its main constraint in this file of the reopening of the border consists in convincing all the territories and the provinces.Between the east and the west of the country, opinions divergent.

British Columbia and Alberta plead for a quick reopening.While Quebec and especially Ontario are more careful.However, at the dawn of a next federal election, Ottawa wishes to obtain a consensus and the discussions continue.

Millions of doses of vaccine

In addition, the Minister of Public Services and Supply, Anita Anand, said that Canada is ready to receive 55 million doses of vaccines by the end of July July.Pour être clair, il s'agit du nombre minimal de doses qu'on devrait recevoir au cours de cette période, a précisé la ministre.

She also indicated that Canada will receive 7 million doses of the Moderna vaccine by the end of June.

Almost 70 % of Canadians received their first dose of COVVI-19 vaccine until now, has noted the Minister of Health Patty Hajdu.

For his part, the deputy administrator of the Public Health Agency, Dr Howard Njoo, argued that statistics concerning the health crisis are very encouraging.

At the national level, all the transmission indicators of the COVVI-19 and the severity of cases continue to decrease. Cette semaine, la moyenne sur sept jours du nombre de cas signalés est passée sous la barre de 1800 par jour pour la première fois depuis automne 2020, a-t-il souligné.