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Here is the type of bangs that suits you best according to the shape of your face

When you have to choose a pair of glasses, a haircut or a model of eyebrows, the shape of the face comes into account since an united choice may not be flattering.This is why it is important to know the outline of your face before opting for a fringe, a blurred square, a tapered cut, a long cut, or a plunging square.Discover the fringe that will best suit your face shape.


How to recognize the shape of your face and identify the ideal fringe?How to maintain your fringe?

Fringe - Source: SPM

How to recognize the shape of your face and identify the ideal fringe?

Want a new cut to change your head?Who has never dreamed of carrying the fringe, a symbol of femininity, like Brigitte Bardot in and God created the woman, or, for young people from us, Zooey Deschanel in New Girl?But a bad knowledge of the morphology of your face can rock a dream in real capillary disaster.So learn to identify what suits you so as not to finish with the crazy hame fringe.

Voici le type de frange qui vous convient le mieux selon la forme de votre visage

What bangs!- Source: SPM

Here are the 4 most common facial forms: the elongated face, the oval, the round and the square.

1.The elongated face: the bones of the forehead and the jaw are the same size while the chin is thin. Pour ce type de visage, il faudra donner du volume et opter pour une longue frange sur le côté.

2.The oval face: considered the ideal face, it has a symmetry of the chin, the forehead and the cheekbones.Long or short hair, thick or fine hair, curly, curly or steep hair, styled in a bun or in a ponytail, clear forehead or the line in the middle, all the hairstyles go to the oval face.And when it comes to fringes, lucky, people with oval faces will be able to give their heart. Qu’elles soient droites, effilées, épaisses, rideau ou asymétriques, toutes les franges conviennent au visage ovale.So give way to your imagination, there is no bad answer.The perfect cut is the one you choose.

3.The round face: the curved outline of the face prevents the chin from standing out while the cheekbones and the cheeks exceed and are proportional to the jaw. La frange qui convient le mieux au visage rond est plutôt courte et dégradée pour vous permettre de l’allonger et de l’affiner.

4.The square face: the characteristic of this facial shape is that the jaw and the forehead are wide which only accentuates the rough side of the lines. Pour un visage carré, on optera plus pour une frange longue afin d’adoucir les traits du modèle.

Forms - Source: SPM

How to maintain your fringe?

Choosing a form of fringe is not all.You have to know how to maintain it to maintain the harmony of the face.Remember to refresh it every two months on average whether at home or in a hair salon.But beware !A shot of the chisel can be wreak havoc.It is important not to cut too much if you do not want to spend the weeks following your head under a bob to camouflage a possible disaster.

couper sa Fringe - Source: SPM

Ultimately, whatever the shape of your face, the fringe for which you will opt will reveal your seduction potential.A badly executed fringe can unbalance the harmony of your face.This is why it is important to learn to observe yourself and identify what suits you best.If you are afraid of being mistaken, rely on your visacist hairdresser who will enhance your hair and pretty face and reveal your personality.For the most fearful of you who do not dare to take the plunge or those who wish to carry the fringe for a particular opportunity, remember to test the false fringes which, in the same way as the extensions, will allow you to be sexy andGlamor and look like BB for an evening.

Read also 40 hairstyles for short hair with fringes to try in 2022