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Éric Duhaime: the spoilsport

The conservative advisor comes into gust of wind in the play where Éric Duhaime grants us an interview, a few minutes after the announcement of the candidacy of the actress Anne Casabonne in the by-election in Marie-Victorin."Anne farted her check.»»

Dans la salle d’à côté, un journaliste de RDI venait d’affirmer en ondes que la candidate avait perdu son contrat de porte-parole des pharmacies Accès pharma après une sortie où elle qualifiait le vaccin contre la COVID-19 de « grosse marde»» (notamment). « Elle est allée devant le gars, en live, elle a pris son micro pour dire : “Vous mentez !”»»

Le chef du Parti conservateur du Québec fronce les sourcils : « Heu… Elle fait ça là ? Va la chercher ! Faut pas qu’elle fasse ça !»» Mais Anne Casabonne a fini et revient vers nous, encore remontée. « Calme-toi, Anne»», lui dit doucement Éric Duhaime. « Ben non, mais il ment !»» répond-elle.

Meanwhile, verification made, the journalist corrected her error: Anne Casabonne did not lose her contract, he was already finished.Walmart and its affiliated pharmacists have dissociated themselves from the words of their former spokesperson.

Around the chef, the discussion continues - no trace of mask or distancing, even if we are in full wave omicron. « Ça va devenir viral sur les réseaux sociaux»», dit à son équipe Éric Duhaime, qui paraît plus amusé qu’autre chose.His media flair will not deceive him ...

He immediately knew that the recruitment of the actress would be a paid brilliance.The first outing of his candidate did not go unnoticed. Tout en soutenant ne pas être « antivaccin»», elle a refusé de dire si elle était vaccinée. Elle a comparé les députés de l’opposition à des clones de François Legault, puis a parlé de sa volonté de « protéger les humains»» dans leur « intégrité physique et psychique»».

It was a good panorama of what defined the speech of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ) in the last months. La résistance aux mesures sanitaires et au passeport vaccinal, que le chef de 53 ans qualifie de « ségrégation»» (par rapport à la vaccination, le PCQ prône le « libre choix»», et Éric Duhaime est doublement vacciné).The broader question of individual freedoms. Une certaine méfiance envers les médias (« il y a un double standard au Québec quand tu es à la droite du centre»», estime Duhaime).The propensity to put all its opponents in the same basket. À la radio, où il s’est fait une réputation de polémiste fort en gueule dans les années 2010, il plaçait là les environnementalistes « enverdeurs»», les féministes et les syndicalistes ; ce sont maintenant ses adversaires politiques qu’il regroupe de la sorte.

Deux jours après l’épisode Casabonne, le 19 janvier, Éric Duhaime demandait la levée de toutes les mesures sanitaires, sous prétexte que « si elles fonctionnaient, on le saurait»»."It had the expected effect: it was the discussion of the week," he will analyze later.The first step in politics is to unravel the wall of indifference, and we succeeded.Now, we must arouse membership.»»

Voilà d’ailleurs le mandat du chef conservateur d’ici les élections d’octobre : se faire entendre, élargir la base partisane au-delà du cercle de ceux qu’attirent son discours sur l’« extrémisme sanitaire»» et autres formules-chocs dont il a le secret.

That said, something has happened since Eric Duhaime was elected chief, with 95 % of the votes, in April 2021: negligible training before his arrival, the PCQ was in mid-March for statistical equality with Québec Solidaire andbarely a few points behind the liberals, according to the average of recent polls.Among Francophones, the conservatives collect as many supports as the other three opposition parties, sometimes more.And in the Quebec region, they have been installed in second position for several months.Figures strong enough to hope for elected officials after the next elections.

The training also has a voice in the National Assembly, that of the Clear Caquist Samson defector, which will not be represented this fall.The number of members exploded: 600 members when the polemicist began to think about the idea of succeeding the businessman Adrien Pouliot, he went to more than 51,000 in January, according to theparty figures.

  • This dazzling progression is atypical at a time of crumbling adhesion.From 2016 to 2020, the PQ lost half of its members (42,000 today).Since 2014, two out of three liberals have deserted - there are 17,000 members left.Québec Solidaire has 20,000.And it took 10 years at the Coalition Avenir Québec to reach a similar number (55,000 members) to that claimed by the PCQ. Contrairement à ce que les conservateurs soutiennent dans une publicité, ils ne forment pas « le plus grand mouvement politique de l’histoire du Québec»», mais c’est tout de même beaucoup.

    On the financing side, the partial data of the director general of elections (annual training reports have not yet been deposited when publishing) show that the PCQ had in 2021 as many donors as the Parti Québécois (nearly 7,000),and almost twice as much as the liberals.The PCQ claims to have a sum of two million dollars for the elections.

    The Duhaime effect does not be overly surprised by former liberal minister Nathalie Normandeau, who co -chased a radio program with him in 2015 and 2016, in FM93, in Quebec: "People who support Éric Duhaime are admiring hisAbility to shake the apple tree.They have the impression that he could do things differently, because he is not afraid to go for the heap and decry the Politically Correct.»»

    But to explain the current success of the politician, there is also-and perhaps above all-his ability to channel the anger and frustration of people opposed to health measures or vaccination. « La pandémie, c’est l’étincelle qu’il lui fallait pour alimenter le feu»», dit le chercheur Philippe R.Dubois, who carried out with his colleague Katryne Villeneuve-Siconnelly a study on COVVI-19 as an engine for right-wing populism in Quebec-and more precisely for the Conservative Party of Quebec.

    The two doctoral candidates in political science at Laval University notice how the strategy checks the boxes of the perfect guide to populism: to find a polarizing issue to which to be attached and to eat;arouse the interest of people who do not feel adequately represented;present yourself as the only spare solution, the anti -system party, etc..The health crisis provided the subject, and Éric Duhaime made the fuel of his movement.

    It’s no coincidence, said Philippe R.Dubois: The character understands and knows very well the media and political cogs."He knows exactly who he wants to talk to, and how to do it.»» Ce fut même son métier.


    For a decade, Éric Duhaime multiplied rants - and cultivated indignation in libertarian sauce.On the radio (on Cogeco channels), in the chronicles he wrote (for Quebecor, the media of Sun, the National Post and the very controversial site The Rebel, associated with the extreme right), in its four tests-Pamphlets (especially on intergenerational equity), in the activities of the Liberté-Québec network, which he co-founded in 2010 and which brought together supporters of the tax right: always this provocative tone.And quickly, a sulphurous notoriety.

    Remarkable controversies and outings abound. En 2009, de passage dans une commission parlementaire qui s’intéresse au Régime de rentes du Québec — il y est à titre de « simple cotisant qui est excessivement inquiet»» —, Éric Duhaime parle du « miracle chilien»» pour décrire ce que le dictateur Augusto Pinochet a fait avec les caisses de retraite de son pays dans les années 1980 (il concédera dans la même intervention que ce gouvernement avait des « failles»» en matière de droits de la personne…).

    Cinq ans plus tard, dans une émission où il se demande si l’on peut « parler de la communauté noire sans se faire traiter de raciste»», il soutient que « les Noirs ont peu de héros […] et malheureusement, quand ils en ont, ça finit souvent que ce sont des zéros»».In 2016, he established a parallel between someone who is stolen from his car because he has not locked the doors and that of a woman who is attacked while the door of his apartmentwas not locked.He will apologize later, saying that he has expressed badly.

  • Still in 2016, he pleads for the abolition of the council of the status of women, the Federation of Women of Quebec and the Ministry of the Women's condition, which he would replace with a ministry of equality. La même année, il affirme que les hommes qui urinent assis sont des « colonisés du féminisme»».

    Over the years, he often shocks, which earned him several complaints to the Quebec press council.But it appeals to the auditors of the Radio spoken private from Quebec - where he still benefits today from generous stands each week, especially with the radio host X Dominic Maurais, a privilege of which no other party leader has in Quebec.

    Éric Duhaime left Cogeco in the summer of 2020.He wants a new challenge ... which will materialize a few months later.


    It is 7 p.m., and the chief of the PCQ turns on his camera. « Bienvenue à nos live du mardi soir !»» lance-t-il devant un logo de la formation.Helmet on the head, integrated microphone, it starts an hour of what looks like a filmed radio show.By Facebook, YouTube and other platforms, he reached tens of thousands of sympathizers with duhaime live.

    All his communicator talents are expressed here. Habitué à discuter pendant des heures — sa mère évoque un problème de « placotage compulsif»» dans une biographie récente —, il dirige le trafic des invités avec aisance.

    Dans l’épisode du 25 janvier, Anne Casabonne est suivie de Claire Samson, puis de camionneurs venus parler du « convoi de la liberté»» en route vers Ottawa pour dénoncer la vaccination obligatoire. L’animateur encourage le mouvement (« votre cause est noble et juste»»), tout en demandant aux camionneurs de rester pacifiques et de « faire mentir [ceux] qui tentent de [les] diaboliser»».

    During these live broadcasts, he catches the bullets to the leap and returns them where they will serve his message. « Ça se peut-tu, Sylvain, que vous êtes plus enragés et mobilisés pour la liberté parce que vous voyez plus la différence entre les deux bords de la frontière, et comment c’est débile ici, la gestion de crise ?»» lance-t-il ce soir-là à un camionneur, qui acquiesce et renchérit.And so on.

    « Ce qu’il entend les mardis soir, c’est vraiment la liberté»», affirme Joanne Marcotte, avec qui il a cofondé le Réseau Liberté-Québec.Others will say that it is also an echo room that amplifies perceptions and multiplies distortions.But the formula is effective.

    Claire Samson regularly participates in broadcasts.Cigarette, glass of wine in hand, framing in a counterattop tightly on her face, glowed with a cookie cutter ... "It is a live on Facebook, it is not on Radio-Canada, notes Éric Duhaime.We do this at the end of the day on Tuesdays: she does like all Quebecers, she relaxes in her living room.»» Qu’on parle du style Samson témoigne, ajoute-t-il, « d’une incompréhension de certains médias traditionnels envers la manière de faire de la politique sur les médias sociaux.We have proximity to people like no one else.»»

    Les gens ? « La clientèle d’Éric Duhaime, ce ne sont ni les journalistes, ni les universitaires, ni les personnes très intéressées par la politique ou les nuances»», énonce Philippe R.Dubois. Plutôt des citoyens qui se sentent lésés par le « système»», brimés dans leurs libertés individuelles, et qui trouvent en lui une voix pour faire écho à ces sentiments.


    Dans la population générale, Duhaime a beaucoup imprimé sa marque par son « approche un peu kamikaze du débat public»», comme le dit son ami Frédéric Têtu, qui vient de publier sa biographie, fort élogieuse, Envers et pour tous (Gestion Novillo).

    Pour l’animateur radio et ancien ministre péquiste Bernard Drainville, le chef conservateur est « un polémiste absolu, vraiment très habile»».The two co-hosted a program for a year in Quebec, in 2016-2017."The reverse of the medal of his vivid intelligence is that he is able to be twisted, to find an argument line that the most ill -intentioned mind would not have invoked.»»

    Nathalie Normandeau paints a similar portrait."It is not fair that he has a conviction, it is the intensity with which he emits his ideas.It is: "I want to be right, I'm right!"On that, it is limited.And never in nuances.»»

    Both spent hundreds of hours on airwaves with Éric Duhaime.They (almost) heard everything, climbed in the curtains sometimes."We had metal metal clashes: it was not for the show," says Bernard Drainville.After some segments, we didn't even talk during the advertising break, so we were in Tabarnak.»»

    But they and others depict Éric Duhaime especially as a friendly, warm, charming person, capable of self -deprecation and empathy.A hard worker, says Frédéric Têtu."He is someone who consults a lot, but who does not have a big entourage.Almost everyone knows who is Éric Duhaime, but almost no one really knows him.»»

    Many former colleagues agree that there is a share of show in what it does.But above all there is a basis of conviction, which revolves around a major objective: to advance your libertarian ideas.

    "Sometimes he left in frankly exaggerated harangues," says Bernard Drainville.He could do it on purpose, to make a show ... But more often than not, he believed in it.»»

    The radio character who knew how to capture attention with this divisive and corrosive tone must now give way to the politician, recognizes the conservative chief."I'm not talking just in my name, and my goal is not to feed the next radio poll, but to bring Quebecers together.And it's a balancingist game, because I don't want to represent only 5 % that agrees with 95 % of my ideas.»»


    In the bedroom of the Duhaime adolescent, the only child of a middle -class couple, there were two posters on the walls, according to what the main interested party says.One of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (the embodiment of an assumed neoliberal right), and one of the Quebec Prime Minister René Lévesque.

    At 16, convinced independence, Éric Duhaime is president of an association of district of the Parti Québécois in Laval.His libertarian turn will take place in the young twenty, during his studies at the National School of Public Administration (ENAP) and a stay at the Fraser Institute (a right-wing reflection group in British Columbia).

    It is however behind the scenes of the Bloc Québécois that he spent the following six years, from 1993, in particular as an advisor and search for the chef's office.Gilles Duceppe, who took the lead in 1997, remembers that he was working well, and that he had woven good contacts with the West Alliancist movement.A little too much, even."Around 1999, we noticed that his ideas were closer to those of Stockwell Day [Leader of the Canadian Alliance, official opposition from 2000 to 2002] than ours.He had a choice to make.»»

    Éric Duhaime leaves the Bloc for the Alliance, where he became an adviser to the chief.In 2003, he joined Mario Dumont and the democratic action of Quebec - whose embodiment of the early 2000s will inspire the PCQ program.Now animator and columnist for Quebecor, Mario Dumont did not wish to return to their past collaboration - he does not hesitate to criticize the positions of the conservative chief in relation to the Pandemia.

    Eric Duhaime's career branches off two years later, when he joined the National Democratic Institute, a non -partisan American NGO, where he provides technical assistance to parliamentarians or helps the preparation of elections.He spent almost two years in Morocco and Mauritania, then several months in Iraq from December 2008.The difficult security context of this last stay deeply: back in Quebec, Éric Duhaime consults a psychologist for a time, to treat a post-traumatic shock."I didn't realize it when I was there. C’est vraiment à mon retour, quand j’ai baissé mes barrières, que j’ai eu des difficultés»», dit-il à L’actualité.In his biography, Frédéric Têtu says that Eric Duhaime has never found her appetite before or the ability to sleep from eight hours of eight hours.

    « Ça m’a sensibilisé à un paquet d’affaires»», dit Éric Duhaime en parlant plus largement de son expérience dans ces trois pays."Being cheerful was not an issue that arrested me before living there.And you also see immigration issues differently after that.»»

    According to Frédéric Têtu, it is from there that the conservative chief holds his concerns about the integration in Quebec of new arrivals from the Muslim world.A theme that Eric Duhaime has exploited a lot on the radio.

    En 2017, lorsque des banderoles affichant « Remigration»» sont déployées à Québec — le terme, associé à l’extrême droite en Europe, fait référence au retour (ou renvoi) des immigrés, voire de leurs descendants, dans le pays où ils ont leurs racines —, Éric Duhaime estime qu’il est « charrié pas à peu près»» de qualifier de « haineux»» le concept.

    Same position the previous year, when a bloody pig's head had been deposited in front of the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center (one year before the mosque attack).Many have denounced a hate gesture full of Islamophobia. Pas Éric Duhaime, qui s’est demandé en ondes : « C’est écrit où dans le Code criminel que j’ai pas le droit de donner une tête de cochon ? C’est peut-être une joke niaiseuse […], mais en quoi c’est de la haine ?»» Il soulève aussi une controverse en 2018 quand il affirme qu’Alexandre Bissonnette, auteur de la tuerie à la mosquée de Québec, est un « prisonnier politique»»."He made a political gesture," he explains to the news.But that does not mean that he must be released, I never claimed that.»»

    Le Conseil de presse lui a reproché en 2016 d’avoir exagéré le nombre d’immigrants accueillis au Québec en provenance du Maghreb — « là d’où viennent la majorité de nos immigrants»», avait-il dit, alors que c’était moins du cinquième de ceux-ci.

    Éric Duhaime : le trouble-fête

    En 2019, à son émission du FM93, il s’inquiète de voir « les symboles historiques du Québec effacés pour […] que les autres entrent avec leurs symboles»».

    All this made the collective say the poubels' radios-which has listed the intimidation and the false words heard in the waves-that Duhaime has been "dangerous for 10 years is" dangerous. C’est un démagogue en croisade contre les musulmans, instrumentalisant la haine pour ses cotes d’écoute»», peut-on lire sur le site de la coalition.

    Éric Duhaime maintains that he has no particular problem with immigration or with Islam."It is not that Islam is a worse religion that others," he said.But the interpretation made by some imams and the radicalization that it entails have always scared me.»»

    Le programme du PCQ propose de réduire le nombre d’immigrants à accueillir au Québec (comme la CAQ en 2018), de « donner la priorité absolue à une immigration choisie fondée sur la préservation de la culture québécoise»» de même que sur les « compatibilités civilisationnelles et les capacités d’intégration»».Which means ?"Immigrants must even arrive," demonstrate that they are able to [live with what is in our] charters of rights and freedoms. On ne va pas négocier ça au rabais pour accueillir de nouveaux immigrants»», répond Éric Duhaime.


    It is a leitmotif of the Duhaime grinding pcq: we assume settled positions.In health, the party pleads for a larger place in the private.In the environment, he wishes to accelerate the exploitation and exploration of natural resources.In terms of childcare services, funding for the CPE network would be gradually replaced by a weekly allowance paid to parents.On the health front, the program is without compromise.

    Ideas with those of other parties (and a good part of the population), which regularly worth to the Duhaime chief to be qualified as radical. « C’est de l’exagération»», affirme la sénatrice Josée Verner, ex-députée conservatrice à Ottawa, qui a été directrice de sa campagne au leadership.According to her, the perception of perception derives from the fact that in Quebec, the slightest dissent with a certain consensus leads to this label."If you ask questions about health measures, for example, you become a conspiratorial or an antiVAX.There is no gray area.»»

    Éric Duhaime defends herself from being one or the other.Unlike Maxime Bernier, the leader of the Popular Party of Canada, with whom the PCQ shares a base of sympathizers, he does not go to the demonstrations (in addition to that which he organized against the wearing of the mask at school in August 2020) and does not call for civil disobedience. « Les gens les plus enragés et les plus aliénés par le système politique ne trouvent pas en Éric leur champion»», soutient Frédéric Têtu.

    Communication professor Marie-Ève Carignan, of the University of Sherbrooke, considers that Eric Duhaime is very skilful in her communication strategies: "We see this tendency to indirectly support opponents of health measures and the supporters of a discourseconspiracy, while partially standing out.»»

    Dans un de ses live, il disait par exemple ne pas aimer le mot « dictature»» pour décrire le style de gestion du gouvernement Legault, mais ajoutait que celui-ci prenait des « décisions très autoritaires et très peu démocratiques»». En août 2021, il soutenait que les autres partis étaient « en train de bâillonner»» Claire Samson… qui venait pourtant de poser une dizaine de questions au nom du PCQ durant une commission parlementaire — à laquelle Éric Duhaime avait été empêché d’assister à cause des règles sanitaires en vigueur.

    Nathalie Normandeau finds her former co -host rather reckless in this phase of her political life where he very clearly courts an angry clientele. « Ce ne sont pas tant ses idées qui sont dangereuses que les réactions qu’elles peuvent provoquer»», croit l’ex-ministre.But Bernard Drainville and she agrees: do not underestimate Éric Duhaime.He is cunning like everything.And he knows where he's going.

    Cet article a été publié dans le numéro de mai 2022 de L’actualité, sous le titre « Le trouble-fête»».

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