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How to prevent mildew on shower curtains? 3 easy ways!

Do you want to know the steps to avoid mold on shower curtains? You just need to follow three simple methods: prevent mold, create a barrier and clean the curtains.

If you want to know the process in detail, then read along!

I know, it's really disappointing to see mold on your shower curtains.

Well, they are unavoidable because the place is prone to humidity, especially after bathing or showering.

Although it is simple for some people to simply throw away their shower curtains and replace them with a new one, it is best to take preventative measures to avoid mold on shower curtains.

Without further ado, let's get started!

Ways to Prevent Mildew on Shower Curtains

In this section, you will know how to avoid mold on shower curtains.

Here are the following:

#1.Avoid mold

Here are the things you should consider:

Choose your shower curtain

First, you need to choose the type of shower curtain you will use in your bathroom.

Go for one that is made of an even and smooth surface.

Here's the thing:

Curtains made with etched or embossed designs collect water or moisture in certain areas.

On the other hand, smoother shower curtains allow water to slide down.

And that means no more water collecting in a specific area, thus preventing mold.

Ventilate your bathroom

During and after the shower, you must ensure that you ventilate your bathroom.

This will help dry the bathroom quickly.

This way you can help eliminate moisture buildup.

All you have to do is turn on the fan or open the bathroom window to dry out the humidity.

Improve air circulation

Be sure to leave the shower curtains open once you are done showering.

It should only be partially open, okay?

This way you can allow any moisture to dry faster.

Hang the curtain on the right

Don't leave the shower curtain dipped in the tub.

Obviously, that means you have to hang it outside the tub.

This can help prevent mold from clinging to your tub.

Drying shower curtains after use

This process will prevent soap scum from forming, apart from mold and mildew.

You can just get a dry cloth or towel to dry the shower curtain.

#2.Make a mold barrier

Making a mold barrier is very easy.

First, get some vinegar and detergent. Wash your curtains with these.

In your washing machine, pour the detergent (only half of the recommended amount).

Then pour a cup of white vinegar (240 ml is enough).

Now throw away your shower curtains.

Just a tip:

Get some old towels; they can also be thrown in the washing machine. This solution is perfect for getting rid of mold and germs.

After washing, you need to fill the tub with water.

Add about 300g of salt. Make sure the curtain is completely submerged in water.

Soak the curtain for about 3 hours. This process is crucial because the salt helps prevent mold. The salt acts as a barrier for the shower curtain.

After waiting, dry it.

#3.Clean the shower curtain

To clean your shower curtain, all you need to do is prepare or obtain a cleaning solution.

You can get a commercial cleaner that's made specifically for mold.

Anyway, if you want a more natural solution, you can mix white vinegar and water.

Plus, you can use both bleach and water, depending on your preference!

You might be wondering how often you should clean your shower curtains.

Well, it is advisable to have it cleaned at least once a week.

Thanks to this, you are sure that the curtain is free of mold.

Either way, all you have to do is spray the cleaning solution on the shower curtain.

To spread the cleaning solution, you just need to use a clean cloth or towel. The same process should be done when drying.

What to know about bathroom molds

You may be wondering if mold can cause disease.

Yes, it looks awful. It can even aggravate asthma or allergies.

But then, it is said to be relatively harmless, although it can cause irritation.

And don't wonder every time you cough, runny nose or scratchy throat when your bathroom has mold. It's a natural effect of mold.

The good news is that we have over-the-counter medications to relieve irritation.

But, don't let mold lead to serious cases. Otherwise, it would require the attention of a doctor.

Besides the above steps, you can also use the following:

Exhaust FansHumidifiersMildew Removers

Wait! There are also different types of mold, which you should take note of so that you can avoid them immediately.

To avoid a more serious reaction, get rid of Stachybotrys and black mold.

This type of mold is usually black or dark green. It is very slimy. And if it breaks, the spores of this mold will most likely be harmful.

It's a wrap!

In general, molds are not very harmful.

But then, there are certain types of mold that can have detrimental effects on your health.

That's why you need to know how to prevent mildew on shower curtains.

This way, everything will be child's play!