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White or color wall: how to wake up your interior?

Ah the powers of painting!It is true that a stroke of paint and presto, an inner loss immediately becomes more pleasant.So yes, repainting its walls brings a stroke of nine at home, but also, sometimes, a little radiance.Here are our tips and tricks to maximize the light effect at home thanks to paint.

Is your interior dark, dull, is it lacking in brightness?It may be time to roll up your sleeves and repaint your walls.Before you stick to it, let's take stock of the colors to use to bring light.Is it better to opt for white or color?Home side guides you...

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Thinking light is thinking light colors...and therefore white.Of course, this color (or rather this value, sum of the three primary colors) is undeniably linked to light.However, repainting everything in white is enough to make your accommodation bright?For Catherine Filoche, colorist advice for Dulux Valentine, nothing is less true: ""White can be both the friend as the enemy of a volume.In fact, you have to know how to use it because, too often, we consider that the use of white is enough to bring light.It can create a flatness effect in the room and be completely counterproductive "".

So what use do it do?Use it as a contrast shade: proscribed the ""total look"", using another color for one of the four walls.For example, the one in front of the window, so that the chosen shade benefits from the maximum light.Little painter tip: add a drop of color to your white paint so that it is perfectly in harmony with the chosen shade.Catherine Filoche also recommends ""paint the frame of windows in white, especially if the wall is colored.By creating a contrast between the colors, you will bring out the darkest.""

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>> Photo de Bildquelle via Pinterest

In a specific case, however, the use of white remains strongly recommended: that of the ceiling.It provides brightness, giving a feeling of height, space to the room.It is even possible to increase this sensation by painting a strip of 20 to 30 cm on the upper part of the wall, which makes the angles disappear and enhance the room.If you absolutely hold white, know that there are today a multitude of possibilities.Manufacturers develop ranges of white to coordinate with other colors or intended to provide effects.Mat, powdery, iridescent, marbled...A whole palette is offered. ""Il existe de plus en plus de qualités de blanc"", indiquent Philippe Roaldès et Éric Guillouard de l'Atelier 3D Couleur.

Instead of simple lime paintings, very white, we are now in front of a multitude of possibilities and nuances.The advantage of this diversification is to be able to marry and oppose the whites, to play with the effects, and to best grant them with the colors.

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On the ground, white is also in order, with a blond parquet, a bleached wood or even a light carpet with a natural appearance, in ecru tones for example.Lighten your furniture, your parquet, introduce brightness into a room.For this you can pass a dark wood with lime milk, cover it with an aqueous layer that whitens the material and at the same time enriched it.

The use of color requires some basic concepts.In the light spectrum, some colors are said to be hot (the yellow, the brightest color of the spectrum, orange, red, purple), others cold (green, blue, including turquoise, mostcold colors).Logically, the first, in our unconscious, refer to sunny, toned atmospheres, while the seconds evoke more calm and soothed universes.Now you sometimes have to go beyond the clichés. Pour Philippe Roaldès et Éric Guillouard, ""il est important de tenir compte de l'orientation du logement.A northern exposed room benefits from a cold light, so it must be reheated with shades like yellow, orange.Conversely, in a room oriented to the south, the use of cold colors is quite possible to alleviate a too suffocating side.""For floors, dark coverings enhance the light effect of a painting or wallpaper, but can also bring a dynamic atmosphere in a colorful version (carpet, PVC floor).

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>> Photo de Petra Gardefjord via Pinterest

If the color on the walls scares you, use it by keys, on the furniture or on the accessories (cushions for example).Enjoy the diversity of materials and coatings (glass, lacquer...), you will wake up your room.Again, dare the contrasts: an armchair in a sustained tone (a deep blue or a red) will decide on a soil and a neutral wall.

Frozen effect, with relief, metallic...There are many possibilities to hang the light. Entre les peintures dites ""à effets"", les jeux de matières des papiers peints, plusieurs choix s'offrent à vous.Even the colorful paneling makes it possible to combine wood and fresh colors. ""Les revêtements métallisés retiennent particulièrement bien la lumière, note Catherine Filoche.And that is all the better since the surface has reliefs "".Glass and mosaic also bring reflections in a room (the bathroom for example).

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Mat, brilliant and satin are the three finishes available on the market.Each of them will play differently with the light and it can be interesting to mix the genres. Les peintures mates ont pour effet ""d'absorber"" la lumière tout en donnant une nuance veloutée.They evoke comfort, cocooning spirit, and work well with artificial lighting.Conversely, the shiny finishes, just like the lacquers, refer the rays, a little like a mirror. ""Pour un mur courbe, je conseille d'appliquer une peinture brillante si l'on veut jouer avec les reflets"", indique Catherine Filoche.

>> Photo de Binti Home via Pinterest

Halfway between the mat and the brilliant, the satin coverings, with their slightly iridescent appearance, offer a good compromise between the two.More radical...But terribly effective, the light of light.Proposed by various brands, it consists in creating a contribution of natural light in a corridor, a room that is deprived of it. Un conduit doté d'une sortie en toiture et d'un jeu de miroirs fait ""descendre"" la lumière dans la pièce.In this one, a ceiling light is installed.Another solution, the zenithale light brought by a roof window.

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Actorate lighting makes it possible to structure the space.He underlines part of the decor, modules the general atmosphere.To be used by keys, the color LEDs offer the possibility of creating different atmospheres.

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