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SOS I brought bed bugs

Bad surprise on returning from vacation: treacherous critters have become embedded in our suitcases and devour us while we sleep. Point.

Where do you catch bed bugs?

All accommodations can be infested, from guest rooms to palaces, including Airbnb rentals. It is not a question of cleanliness, but rather of passage: bedbugs travel on the clothes and in the luggage of holidaymakers. The more people there are, the more risks there are, and some regions are more affected than others (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Paca, etc.). You can also encounter these pests on the plane or train.

Do bedbugs transmit diseases?

No, but frenetically scratching promotes the penetration into the body of bacteria already present on the skin (staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus...), with, as a result, the appearance of a boil, or even an abscess. Superinfection is prevented by applying an alcoholic antiseptic (Biseptine, chlorhexidine, etc.), without rubbing so as not to aggravate the inflammation. Repeat after 30 minutes, then 1 hour.

How to relieve itching from bed bug bites?

It happens in the event of an allergic reaction to the saliva of the insect, injected under the skin at the time of the bite. After disinfection, apply a drop of spike lavender essential oil or an over-the-counter cream containing an antihistamine and/or cortisone (Onctose Hydrocortisone, Cortapaisyl, Dermofenac...). If necessary, an oral antihistamine avoids scratching to the point of keeping scars.

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Will it scratch me for a long time?

The pimple dries up after 3 to 4 days, then disappears. Provided you manage not to grind it too much. In case of severe allergic reaction, count up to 2 weeks.

Should I go to the doctor?

Yes, in some cases (allergy, burns, fever, pimple that lasts or numerous bites). The GP will prescribe oral corticosteroids for the itching and/or antibiotics for the infection.

How to recognize a bed bug and identify its bite?

Not always easy to distinguish their bites from those of mosquitoes (even itchy red pimples), nor to differentiate them visually from carpet beetles, which can also squat on sheets and armchairs. It's a bed bug if:

- there are several bites aligned or grouped together in the same place: the bedbug generally sucks blood several times in a row (up to 90 bites per night).

- the critter has the size and color of an apple seed with very short hairs. The beetle has white spots on its body.

- there are traces like mini-stains of black ink or streaks of blood on our sheets. We often see these signs first, before the insect itself, which hides in the seams of the mattress or box spring during the day 1 .

1. Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus bed bugs Biology, Control and Public Health.