Vomiting, nasal flow, balance disorders ... Certain abnormal behaviors of your pet are often symptomatic of a sick cat.Should we consult in an emergency?The responses of the Lyonnais veterinarian Yves Dhalluin.
Updated article on 02/08/2022 at 02:49
Updated article on 02/08/2022 at 02:49
My cat vomits
Les symptômes:Tout d’abord, la fréquence de ces vomissements est importante: si le chat vomit 4 à 6 fois dans la journée, il convient de téléphoner à un vétérinaire.You also have to see what is the relational in relation to food gain: cats vomit easily when they quickly eat their kibbles or grass.What must alarm you is the color of vomiting, and especially the presence of blood.A painful cat with a bloated belly, must also worry you.Of course, we must also observe the general condition of the cat, and take into account its age.An old cat vomiting because he has an ulcer, it is not the same thing as a young cat who vomits because he ate something bad.
Les explications possibles:Le chat peut vomir de l’herbe ou un produit nocif qu’il a léché.He may have ingested a foreign body.It can also be gastritis.
My cat no longer eats
Les symptômes:Les chats sont plus délicats que les chiens et il est moins rapide de se rendre compte qu’ils ne s’alimentent pas.We can worry about a cat if he does not eat after 12 hours or 24 hours.Also take the temperature: it must be between 38 and 38.5 °.
Les explications possibles:Si le chat est malade, il est normal qu’il ne mange pas pour tout un tas de raisons hypothétiques.It is therefore advisable to consult if it lasts, especially if this loss of appetite is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
My cat drinks a lot
Les symptômes:En moyenne, un chat boit de 40 à 50 ml d’eau par kilo et par jour.A cat always hanged on his water bowl is of course a sign to take into account.Also look if your cat has lost weight.
Les explications possibles : L’animal peut avoir mangé beaucoup de croquettes, et vous avez l’impression qu’il boit beaucoup.However, this behavior is normal because kibbles contain 10 to 15% of water, compared to 80 to 85% for food -like foods.If the cat is big and it urinates a lot, it can be diabetes, if it is old, of renal failure.It can also be an infection, especially for a cat that has just had her heat.
My urine cat everywhere
Les symptômes:Votre chat va à sa caisse en courant, il fait quelques gouttes à côté avec ou sans sang, vous le voyez faire pipi dans des endroits où cela est plus doux pour lui.The cat does not seem well, it has a hard belly, it goes all the time to the litter but does not do anything.This is a real emergency.
Les explications possibles:Le chat peut souffrir d’une infection urinaire ou d’un blocage au niveau de la vessie.This can lead to a kidney problem.
My cat has a nasal and eye flow
Les symptômes:Le chat peut avoir un écoulement oculaire et nasal, et baver.You must then take into account your age and your vaccines.
Les explications possibles:Si le sujet est un chaton pas encore vacciné, il peut souffrir de coryza.It can be a bacteria or the cat has taken cold.The vaccine covers 90% of Coryza forms, this type of symptom is therefore more worrying in a young cat.
Find the list of all veterinarians in your neighborhood on www.veterinary.FR/RHONE_ALPES/Index.htm
Un numéro d’urgence canine à Lyon : 04 72 30 40 40
Un numéro d’urgence canine à Grenoble : 04 76 47 66 66
Un vétérinaire de garde à Saint-Etienne : 04 77 49 09 08
Watch out for its general condition: is it painful?Apathetic?Does he breathe well?Does he eat and drink normally?Is his belly bloated? Is there problems to urinate?Are he vomiting?So many questions that you will ask the doctor as a priority if you consult it.
Look at the color of the cat's mouths.If these are all white, it is that it can be a real problem, like an intoxication.
If your pet suffers from over 5 minutes, the case is very urgent.
A broken member constitutes an absolute emergency, just like an overturned animal.