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Justice has decided: yes, sextoys have their place in the metro!

While XXL posters of treatments against erection disorders line the walls of the New York metro, no place is left to the pleasure of people in Vulve.

The brand of Sextoy Dame was fed up with the double standard of the New York Transport Agency which had rejected its new advertising campaign in 2018.For the sexual toy society, the reasons invoked were "vague and sexist".Under the hashtag #derailsexism, lady embarked on a legal crusade which has finally borne fruit after 2 years of combat.

From now on, the brand can advertise its products in New York subway trains, but only under certain conditions ...

Two weights two measurements in the metro

In July 2018, the lady brand contacted the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) - the company in charge of managing public transport in New York - to launch its advertising campaign in the metro.But after first positive feedback, the transport agency turns around, invoking new directives that would prevent "sexual" companies from advertising.

At the time, Lady explained her surprise in a press release:

"It made us think: why are pharmaceutical companies and food supplements like Hims, Hers and Welleco allowed to advertise in the metro?[…]

Sextoys are regularly prescribed by doctors as an affordable solution and without medication for the drop in libido, excitement disorders and sexual function problems in people who recover from assault, cancer, etc..

If manufacturers of sex toy cannot advertise, these people will not know which options are available to them.»»

La marque monte alors au créneau et intente une action en justice contre le MTA pour « protester contre cette politique sexiste»» et pour que toutes les sexualités et tous les genres aient un accès égal au paysage public.

Après tout, si les publicités de solutions sexuelles destinées aux personnes à pénis sont autorisées, pourquoi bloquer celles pour les personnes à vulve ? La justice a tranché : Dame est aujourd’hui la première marque d’accessoires sexuels « fondée par des femmes à faire de la publicité par le biais du MTA»» ! La nouvelle a fait sauter la société de sextoys de joie sur les réseaux sociaux :

"The stigma of pleasure exists in advertising as much as it exists in our cultural heritage.The images and the language of our advertisements are designed to show that sexual experiences are healthy and are ultimately part of the general well-being.

La justice a tranché : oui, les sextoys ont leur place dans le métro !

We believe that it is unconstitutional that companies with a sexual vocation be placed in a prohibitive space which is the experiences that we all live as human beings.»»

Would the lines be moving?

La nouvelle campagne approuvée par la MTA arbore un message bienveillant et sex positive :« Get in Touch with Yourself»».Even if the brand's visuals must have been largely watered down and made more abstract than the originals to show white leg, lady hopes to make users aware that their pleasure is valid.

Like it or not, pubs have an enormous influence on us and can highlight issues passed under the carpet, like that of the sexual well-being of people with vulva, for example.The brand was delighted with this little victory:

Although it is not perfect, this agreement is a start.We hope that this will open the door to more frank, sincere and honest representations of sexuality and pleasure in advertising - on the MTA and on other channels which are currently restricted.

Female sexual pleasure is not profane;It is part of the general well-being.We will not be silenced, and you should not be either.

In France what does the law say?According to lawyer Emmanuel Pierrat who spoke for the Parisian:

"It is prohibited to disseminate pornographic advertisements.But the judges take into account the context.A breast cancer prevention campaign showing a naked woman will not be assimilated to a chic porn image for a perfume.»»

The magazine continues:

"In addition to the legal framework, the Professional Advertising Regulatory Authority (ARPP) ensures compliance with ethical rules and examines all visuals before their dissemination.»»

If the advertising landscape remains largely tinted by sexism, the lines are gradually moving.In France, the pleasure is still censored, but some campaigns pass between the drops, not without fighting, to try to destigmatize certain questions.

This is particularly the case with the inclusive brand of menstrual panties Moodz, which signs its first posters in Parisian transport. Fini le sang bleu dans le métro, finie l’exclusion des personnes trans : Moodz devient la « première marque à représenter toutes les personnes menstruées dans le métro»».

« On ne va quand même pas parler de règles ici»», ironisent les affiches de l’entreprise. « Oups, trop tard»» !

We hope that it is only the beginning of the revolution in transport!

Read also: 5 shots on sextoys that we would like to see disappear

Photo credits: Lady

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