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Dust mites at home: the carpet cleared

  • News
  • Published , updated Play 3 min.JesusCardenasMedical Director of Doctissimo

    No, the carpet is not the main hiding place for dust mites! After a comprehensive synthesis of studies on the subject, experts from the ARCAA (Association for Clinical Research in Allergology and Asthmology) scientifically prove that allergy sufferers must first and foremost monitor mattresses and bedding. The ARCAA therefore issues practical advice for limiting dust mite allergens in the home.

    Dust mites, or more precisely, some of their droppings, are responsible for a large number of allergies, in particular 75% of respiratory allergies (allergic rhinitis, asthma) but also cutaneous (atopic dermatitis). These tiny beasts belonging to the class of arachnida, and invisible to the naked eye, are present in house dust. But not anywhere or in the same quantity.

    For a long time, the carpet was wrongly judged as the main reservoir of dust mites in our homes. In reality, the carpet is not conducive to the development or proliferation of dust mites. The culprits now scientifically identified are indeed mattresses and bedding, which contain many more dust mites than carpet. These facts are proven thanks to a large study of which Dr. Fabien Squinazi (member of the ARCAA, air quality field) is the principal investigator.

    In collaboration with the UFTM (French Union of Rugs and Carpets), ARCAA experts have carried out an exhaustive synthesis of the international scientific literature on the ecology of house dust mites as well as tests in laboratory. In summary, the main conclusions of this study are:

    - Regarding the factors favoring the colonization of the habitat by mites, the latter seek confined areas and do not survive in full light or in the open air. This is why the presence of dust mites in the home is linked to bedding.

    - There are 3 main factors favoring the proliferation of dust mites: humidity (between 60 and 80%), temperature (between 25 and 32°C), food (human or animal dander). These 3 factors are weak in the carpet but almost constant in the mattress and bedding.

    - Due to the above factors, bedding is considered the primary reservoir, its dust mite content could be up to 10 times higher than in other house dust.

    Why is there this widespread misconception in France about the guilt of the carpet? According to Alain Malfanti, Expert at the Court of Appeal of Versailles, it all started at the end of the 1980s when a German manufacturer of a vacuum brush showed a photo of a dust mite on its advertising brochure. “Without looking any further, this image has been interpreted and spread in the press by designating the carpet as the main niche for dust mites,” adds Alain Malfanti.

    Mites at home: the carpet cleared

    Over time, and despite the efforts of manufacturers to combat this idea, it persists and was even reinforced by a campaign by hoteliers carried out 2 years ago in which they announced the renewal of all carpets and curtains to fight dust mite allergies.

    According to Dr Fabien Squinazi, this false concept even affects the medical world because “many doctors advise removing the carpet to patients allergic to dust mites, even though it is useless“. In this regard, the representatives of the UFTM specify that the carpet catches dust and contains very few dust mites. On the contrary, floors with smooth coatings are richer in dust, which flies away when the doors are opened, thus transporting dust mites at child height.

    Patrick Danset, President of the RLab, mandated by the ARCAA, presented the 6 practical tips issued by the ARCAA to limit dust mite allergens in the home. These tips are based on the results of the study, the first 5 being applicable to everyone, the sixth more particularly to people allergic to dust mites:

    1. Check the humidity and do not exceed 60%.

    2. Check the temperature, do not exceed 22°C for the stay and 18°C ​​in the bedrooms.

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    3.Air every day, windows open, all rooms and bedding.

    4. Clean surfaces with a damp cloth and remove dust pockets.

    5. Vacuum at least once a week.

    6. Use, for allergy sufferers, on the elements of the bedding, dust mite barrier covers.

    Finally, this joint action of the ARCAA with the UFTM resulted in the definition of a new label of actions and advice “Combat dust mites and allergies“.

    Dr Jesus Cardenas

    Source: Press conference of January 28, 2016 organized by the agency Le Mouton Bleu for the ARCAA and the UFTM – Carpet and dust mites, the carpet is innocent.