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Apple cider vinegar and baking soda: 10 tips for cleaning the house that you will not be able to do without

As you may already notice, baking soda and vinegar often stand at the top of the list of most effective household products.We do not just use them from time to time;we adopt them.And because they are both very effective, they also allow us to do without aggressive chemicals.Let's explore the many ways to clean the house with these incredible ingredients.


10 ways to use baking soda and apple cider vinegar to clean the houseDéboucher et nettoyer les drainsNettoyer les casseroles brûléesNettoyer le fourNettoyer et désinfecter le réfrigérateurTraiter l’argenterie et nettoyer le sol Nettoyer et traiter les matelas et les tapisUtiliser du bicarbonate de soude en tant que détergent pour nettoyerUtiliser du bicarbonate de soude en tant que dégraissant pour nettoyerNettoyer et assainir l’airDu vinaigre pour nettoyer et éliminer le calcaire dans la machine à laver

Soda bicarbonate powder and apple cider vinegar are both remarkable cleaning agents.If you want to make the most of these ingredients, we reveal a variety of ways to use them for the home.

Apple cider vinegar - Source: SPM

10 ways to use baking soda and apple cider vinegar to clean the house

To unclog the drains of the house, one cannot be mistaken with baking soda which remains among the solutions most used for this purpose.First pour 200 g sodium bicarbonate into the drain followed by hot water then pour 200 ml of apple cider vinegar into the drain.You just have to finish the work by doing a last jet of hot water.

It is also possible to unclog pipes with other ecological products such as coffee grounds or citrus zest.

Pans - Source: SPM

It is often quite difficult to take off the food encrusted in stoves and pans after cooking.To achieve this, apply a paste composed of bicarbonate and a little water to the utensils using a microfiber cloth, then leave for a few hours.You will then rub with a sponge soaked in apple cider vinegar before rinsing in clear water carefully.

Here is a not very classic method to clean the oven in depth and yet very effective.It consists in placing inside a dish of apple cider vinegar diluted in the water and light the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 30 minutes.At the end of this duration, you will turn off the device then sprinkle a little white powder inside.With a sponge impregnated with water and vinegar, rub the walls then wipe with a damp sponge.

Impregnate a microfiber cloth with a little apple cider vinegar then wipe the whole area of your refrigerator or the places affected by dirt.After having a damp cloth, spread sodium bicarbonate in the area to be treated and then wipe with a clean cloth.Also, do not hesitate to clean the seals of the device.

To polish the silverware with baking soda, dissolve the powder in the water to use the solution on the surface to be treated with a clean cloth.As for the floors, you can make your own detergent by mixing 50 g of sodium bicarbonate, 15 g of Marseille soap and 2 liters of household alcohol, all to mix in 3 liters of water.Your floor should shine in less than two.

Vinaigre de cidre et bicarbonate de soude : 10 astuces pour nettoyer la maison dont vous ne pourrez plus vous passer

Carpet cleaning with baking soda - Source: SPM

For too dirty carpets, sprinkle with bicarbonate over the entire surface and then leave for one night.In the morning, just vacuum.Same process for mattresses.

If you want to make an "express" detergent to spray on the different surfaces of your home, just take a vaporizer bottle then pour a liter of water and 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate bicarbonate.

To clean and degrease surfaces such as a microwave, a stove or an dirty oven, sprinkle the bicarbonate powder on it, wait a few minutes then rub with a sponge soaked in water.

To make your homemade air cleanser with the deodorating power of the bicarbonate, nothing simpler.Pour 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate in 1 liter of water and a few drops of essential oil of your choice.

Whether with apple cider vinegar or white vinegar, it is particularly easy to get rid of lime.To treat a scaled washing machine, pour a little of the solution into the laundry tank then activate a vacuum washing cycle.

You have understood, baking soda and apple cider vinegar are two unstoppable cleaners that you will no longer be able to do without the whole house.

Also read how to clean white shoes without damaging them and without washing machine?

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