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After the storm: What should we do?Where to start ?5 things to do as quickly as possible!

What a pleasure to have a beautiful garden filled with beautiful plants.Unfortunately, a storm can cause significant damage to our gardens and dwellings.Indeed, the strong winds accompanied by thunderstorms, sometimes mini-nonades and precipitation, make significant damage when they fall on your small garden, balcony or terrace.Often a little helpless in Front of such a situation, you must quickly take charge and organize cleaning, repairs and perhaps work.Let's see everything you need to do together to bring your garden back to life.Let's go !

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What to do after the storm?5 gestures to do quickly!

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What are the gestures to restore your little garden after the passage of a storm?First of all, anticipation, to try to limit the damage to the maximum.To do this, follow the weather reports regularly so as not to be caught off guard.If a storm is announced, we advise you to follow the vigilance bulletins on Meteo.Fr.They are very useful for knowing what to stick.This done, you will only have to store and shelter anything that can be.Finally, let's see together the 5 things to do after the storm passage.

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Après la tempête : Que doit-on faire ? Par où commencer ? 5 choses à faire au plus vite !

Here, roll up the sleeves!Indeed, this little corner of paradise brings together many decorative elements that are dear to you.Take stock of your garden furniture that has remained on the terrace or balcony.First of all, store the soaring or fallen pots.Likewise, take the time to replant if necessary, the clods out of their pot.Firmly attach the climbing plants and fix the tutors or trelliers again.Then clean the dirt carried by the wind, as they could cause you other torments by plugging the water evacuations.

Who has not invested in at least a small garden shed?It is because a tree too close to a shelter can cause damage on this type of building that it is strongly advised not to plant a tree too close to a shelter.If branches have fallen nearby, remove them from this space to avoid subsequent troubles.In addition, check that your garden shed is not broken.If necessary, repair possible holes as quickly as possible.

For those who have a veranda or a greenhouse, do in turn to ensure your state. En effet, ces bâtiments sont assez Fragiles face aux rafales de vent ou la grêle par exemple.If you find that materials like glass, plastic, wood or others are degraded, quickly repairs or involve a professional.

Here the severity of damage depends on the season.If this happens in autumn-winter, you will limit the damage. Si la tempête s’est invitée en été, récoltez d’abord les petits Fruits et légumes ainsi que les herbes abîmées pour en profiter et ne pas les perdre.Then clean the broken foliage by the winds, the strong rains or the hail.You will certainly have to re -put your vegetables to their tutor.You may be forced to replant some to ensure great harvests in the future.

Here the damage can be diverse and varied.Start by removing all the shredded flowers.To do you good for morale, why not recycle broken flowers by creating bouquets?To save what can be: place tutors to maintain the stems of high stems flowers such as Delphiniums, peonies or lupins.If a tree has lost branches that have fallen into the massif, remove them and clean the plants. Ainsi vous leur ofFrirez une seconde chance.Finally, keep in mind that perennial plants will be more likely to start again than annual plants.Last little advice both practical and aesthetic to put a massif in order: install mulch.

During a storm, the gusts of wind can unfortunately break branches of trees.Normally a pruning sheer, a saw or a chainsaw should do the trick to repair the damage. Pour un arbre Fruitier, vous pouvez appliquer par précaution un mastic cicatrisant sur les branches cassées afin d’éviter l’installation de maladies.If the tree has fallen into the garden or on the roadway, always start by cutting the damaged outer branches then, remove the trunk.

Si l’ampleur de la tâche vous efFraie, faites appel à un professionnel qui vous assurera un travail de qualité et sécurisé. Enfin, voici deux astuces pour éviter le gaspillage et vous permettre d’alléger vos Frais. La première concerne les petites branches : passez-les dans un broyeur pour confectionner du BRF (bois raméal Fragmenté) qui vous servira de paillage ou bien à nourrir le tas de compost.The second tip is to keep the largest branches to heat your interior in winter.

In the event of a declared natural disaster, you may be lucky in your misfortune.If this type of claim is covered in your insurance contract, quickly constitute your file.It will take time, but the material care is worth it. Votre assureur vous demandera probablement de prendre des photos des dégâts matériels, de rédiger une description du sinistre et d’établir une liste chifFrée des objets perdus ou endommagés.Finally, you will have to be patient, because the time limits can be long.